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The University of Southampton
Parents and Carers Network Events

Hands-On Humanities Day Event

Humanities Day
10:30 - 16:30
18 November 2017
Avenue Campus, Building 65

For more information regarding this event, please email Lisa Then at [email protected] .

Event details

The Parents' and Carers' Network will have a stand at the Hands-On Humanities Day.

Join us from 10.30am – 4.30pm in Building 65 of the Avenue Campus .

Hands-On Humanities Day is part of Human Worlds Festival – an annual festival organised by the Public Engagement with Research unit (PERu) to showcase the fantastic humanities research that is taking place at the University of Southampton. This is a free day out for all the family, with a programme packed full of interactive exhibits, workshops and talks, so do come along, find out more about the Parents’ and Carers’ Network and join in with the activities that include:

Archaeology activities including making playdough pots with the Parents’ and  Carers’ Network
Anglo-Saxon wind instruments
Short story writing
Augmented reality
Queen Elizabeth I’s perfume
Film making

For further information to book your free tickets, please visit:

To keep up to date with all our events and activities, follow @UoSPCNetwork on Twitter

Humanities Day
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