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The University of Southampton

News, events and seminars

As a University, Southampton has been ranked among the top 100 in the world by The Times. Psychology at Southampton is arguably among the UK's elite, with a host of awards.

As a large programme, the spread of research interests is wide. The focus may be on addictions, brain development in children, or memory loss. Yet there is always a common outcome: the potential benefits to people and society.

Our latest news

Key publications, new appointments, reasons to celebrate - a round-up of the headlines from Psychology.

Seminar series

Specialised seminars and talks, mainly for students, academics and professionals from the University and beyond.

Events for everyone

A wide range of informative events for current staff and students, prospective applicants, and the general public.

Much more media

A selection of recent external media coverage of our research work and its impact on education and health care.

11 April 2024

Research uncovers differences between the ...

A new review of research evidence has explored the key differences ...

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21 March 2024

Study explores homeless women’s experience...

Research from the University of Southampton has identified common i...

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18 March 2024

ADHD medication can be lifesaving, scienti...

Medication used for ADHD can reduce the risk of premature death, sa...

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Our World Universities Network funding will enable us to visit universities in South-east Asia, so that we can learn more about their culture-specific needs.

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