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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

Resilient and Sustainable Islands Initiative (RESI)


Project Team

Dr Emily Wilkinson (Overseas Development Institute, ODI), Dr Courtney Lindsey (Interamerican Development Bank), Cristina Argudin Violante (University of Southampton), Dr George Carter (Australian National University), Prof Jack Corbett (University of Southampton), Dr Matthew Bishop (University of Sheffield), Dr Michele Scobie (University of West Indies), Mr Rachid Bouhia (UNCTAD).

Relevant Sustainable Development Goals

Project Overview and Key Activities

New international norms, policies and processes are vital for small island developing states (SIDS) to achieve sustained, resilient and equitable development. In the context of contemporary global economic restructuring, post-pandemic recovery and accelerating climate change, good domestic governance alone is not enough.

RESI is a global advisory network based at ODI, that works with SIDS and their partners to frame policy problems, influence reform of the international governance architecture, and find solutions to growing sustainability challenges.

RESI connects:

By doing so, we will improve the conditions under which SIDS can achieve:


Policy Breif:

Summary video – will be uploaded soon.

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Evidence to Policy Blogs

Evidence to Policy Blogs

Click to read UoS Students and Academics reflecting on their experience of engaging with PPS and policymakers.


Policy Podcasts

Click here to listen to our Policy Podcast series. In each episode we speak to the UoS researchers and experts, about their experiences in the domestic and foreign policies.


Ways to engage

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Impact toolkit

Impact toolkit

Guidance on things to consider in the science to policy process and useful tips in planning and costing your impact activities.

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