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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

Research Investments in Global Health study

Test tubes

Project outline

The Research Investments in Global Health study (ResIn) has been analysing infectious disease research awards to UK institutions 1997-2013. Across this seventeen year time period, there has been approximately £3.7 billion of public and charitable investment in research awards. We have described the breakdown of the direction of spend across infectious diseases, as well as quantifying the relative levels of investment against the burden of disease. In which areas of infection does the UK have research strengths? What areas are we neglecting? And which parts of the research pipeline, from pre-clinical science through clinical trials on to public health research, does the UK receive the most funding for?

In 2015, the ResIn study has been awarded funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to expand beyond the UK and consider funding awards across the G20 countries, and so build up a global analysis of infection-related funding; this commenced in October 2015 and so we will be able to report in great detail the extent of the global research portfolio for infectious diseases, country by country. See for the published outputs from the ResIn study so far.

We would like to meet with colleagues from the policy, political and funding departments to present our analyses to date and plans for the future, to gain feedback on the analysis, and to find out how this sort of work can best help you – what can we incorporate into our work that would support your decision-making and priority-setting activities?

Meet the project team

The Principal Investigator of the ResIn study from October 2015 will be Dr Stuart Clarke (University of Southampton) . Co-applicants are Michael Head (University of Southampton) , Joseph Fitchett (Harvard School of Public Health) , Rifat Atun (Harvard School of Public Health) , Marie-Louise Newell (University of Southampton) , and Anthony Scott (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine). Michael Head is the senior research fellow (and project lead) and Becky Brown is the project research fellow.

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ResIn - Ways forward within the global funding and policy lansdscape ResIn - Data visualisation
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