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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

Older Research Projects

Older policy related projects supported by Public Policy|Southampton (until 2018)

Euro Stack

Banking on industry

'Banking on industry' Examines the microeconomic evidence on the impact of financial services on industrial structure and development

equality lifts

Rethinking EU Equality Law:

"Rethinking EU Equality Law: Towards a More Coherent and Sustainable Regime" is a pair of seminars convened to stimulate a dialogue on the future of EU equality law.


NAMRIP | Deep Dive

Deep dive into the primordial soup of ideas needed to tackle Anti Microbial Resistance

discussion papers penal policymaking

Risks in Penal Policymaking

This research project analysed the creation, contestation, ammendment and abolition of the Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) sentence.

Test tubes

Research investment in infectious diseases

We extend beyond describing the funding trends to look at correlations between global disease burden, country performance and the global research funding to meet global disease profiles

SPC logo

Citizens Assembly South

This project is about taking forward a highly successful pilot constitutional convention – ‘Assembly South’ – and making sure that it influences the regional public policy agenda.


Employee-driven innovation

How can we support employee driven and bottom up innovation in the NHS and beyond, in order to make important improvements to health outcomes and reduce inequality.

Together at the end of life

Volunteers in end-of-life care

This stakeholder driven policy forum event brings together key participants to respond to Dr Bailey and Dr Karapliagou study in order to inform policymaking in this area.

girl hiding her face

30 Years of ChildLine: A Witness seminar

Practitioners, policymakers, academics, and journalists speak to an expert audience to discuss ChildLine’s influence on children’s services, the voluntary sector and children’s policy.


Higher Education Digest

Catch up with our Gavin Costigan,  Director of Public Policy|Southampton, in his monthly digest about all things Higher Education

Views on Europe

Views on Europe

Views on Europe is our blog which accompanied the 2016 European Referendum campaign in the UK.

Policy Briefs

View examples of Policy Briefs from research projects we have worked with recently

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