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The University of Southampton
Quality Handbook Postgraduate Research

Research Degree Candidature

All stages and aspects of a research student’s candidature are covered by the Regulations for Research Degrees and Higher Doctorates and the Code of Practice for Research Degree Candidature and Supervision . The Code of Practice, in particular, sets out in detail the University’s expectations for creating appropriate standards and supportive conditions to enable every research student to have the best possible experience whilst undertaking their studies.

Throughout a research student’s candidature, it is important that an appropriate research environment is provided, and this, together with the support and guidance provided by the student’s supervisory team, will underpin the various stages of a research student’s candidature.  The ultimate responsibility for the thesis lies with the research student and it is therefore essential that they participate fully in planning the research project, considering advice and discussing the work with the supervisory team.

The University’s requirements for the various stages of candidature are set out in the Regulations and Code of Practice all of which should be consulted when guidance is required. Paragraphs on the various aspects of candidature include research training and transferable skills training, supervision, progress monitoring and reviews, production and submission of the thesis and examination.

Unforeseen circumstances that arise during a research student’s candidature are dealt with through the Regulations Governing Special Considerations and Suspension of Candidature for Postgraduate Research Students.

In cases where there have been periods of full-time and part-time candidature, the calculation of the maximum permitted period of candidature shall be proposed by the Doctoral College (Faculty) Team to the Faculty Director of the Graduate School for approval.  See also the Determining the maximum period of candidature when changing between full- and part-time study guidance.

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