The University of Southampton is a founding signatory of the Athena SWAN Charter and holds an silver-level Athena SWAN award. As a signatory, we recognise the specific challenges that affect men and women in academic careers, which leads to fewer women at senior levels of higher education. We are committed to addressing these issues, to maximise the potential of all our people.
The Charter was founded with six principles in 2005, focused on the specific issues preventing women academics progressing in STEMM careers. These were revised in May 2015 to recognise the barriers in other disciplines - including those for men, trans people and the impact of race. The Vice Chancellor signed up to these principles in January 2016, demonstrating our commitment to addressing them.
The Athena SWAN Principles:
For more information about Athena SWAN please see the University of Southampton's Diversity website .
The Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) works to further and support equality and diversity for staff and students in higher education.
In support of the crucial role academic staff play, the ECU has produced a range of short factsheets to help raise awareness and promote the development of equality and diversity expertise as a key competence for teaching and learning.
Subjects include:
Download the factsheets from the ECU website