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The University of Southampton
Southampton Sport News

December Re-Opening FAQ

Published: 27 November 2020
Christmas at Jubilee

Not long to go until reopening!

We have created a FAQ document that you can read at your leisure, we hope that all your queries are answered - if not feel free to drop us an email via [email protected] where our staff will support you.

When will you be reopening?
We will be reopening our doors at 07:00 on Wednesday the 2nd of December.

How will entry to the Jubilee Sports Centre work?
Access to Jubilee Sports Centre facilities will continue in much the same manner as it did before the 5th of November. Customers will be required to book in advance for gym and swim sessions, and access will only be granted by the turnstiles for a total of five minutes before and after the session. All sessions will begin on the hour. Any late attendees will be asked to sign in at reception upon arrival.

Will Mayflower Gym be reopening?
Yes. Mayflower Gym will reopen on Wednesday the 2nd of December for its reduced hours of 09:00 – 17:00 on Monday to Friday. Gym sessions will need to be booked in advance.

Will you continue to offer Personal Motivation sessions?
No. These will end upon our reopening. Due to their popularity, we may look into the possibility of bringing them back at a future stage.

Will face-to-face fitness classes return with the reopening of the facilities?
Yes. We have been given the go ahead to continue all face-to-face fitness classes for the time being, although this is liable to change with the tier. Please ensure you wear your mask until you are in position to start the class so as to avoid mixing bubbles.

I am looking to sign up for a membership. Will there be a joining fee now?
Yes. We had previously waived this since the 7th of September. Before the second lockdown, our intention was to reinstate this as of the 16th of November, and we will continue with this plan.

Will AU and IM bookings continue as normal?
Sadly not. We have received instruction that block bookings cannot continue until January. With this in mind we have made the difficult decision to cancel all AU and IM bookings throughout December. Our staff will continue to offer Team sessions until Friday the 18th of December.

Can I casually book a sports court?
Yes. The Jubilee Sports Hall and Team Southampton Hall will reopen from Wednesday and each available sport is bookable for a 55-minute session. As we open in tier 2, please ensure that you only play court sports in your bubble. Exclusions apply for sports divided by a net, such as badminton or volleyball. For more information please check this webpage . This may change depending on Southampton’s tier.

I do not own a badminton racket. Can I borrow one from reception?
Unfortunately, our COVID-19 risk assessment stipulates that equipment cannot be shared. Customers who are intending to play a sporting activity must bring their own equipment.

Will I be able to book courts in the SUSU building?
Yes, Building 42 (SUSU) will be reopening on Wednesday. However, it will be operating under reduced opening hours and so the squash courts and Team Southampton Hall will only be available from Monday – Friday at 09:00 – 17:00.

Can I play tennis?
Yes. Tennis is playable from either Avenue Campus or Wide Lane Sports Ground. Tennis courts on Avenue campus are available on a turn up and play basis without any need for membership or advance booking. The tennis courts at Wide Lane must be booked in advance.

Will the Jubilee Swimming Academy be continuing its lessons?
Yes. All JSA lessons will continue as normal from Wednesday. Cancelled lessons will be offered as a credit for use in the next term of JSA.

Can I shower in the level 2 changing rooms?
Yes, although the showers will be accessible for swimmers only. Any users to the gym will be asked to shower at home.

Can I borrow a float for use in the pool?
No. Unfortunately, as stated above, we are not able to lend out equipment, so any swimmers who will be intending to use a swimming float within their session will be asked to bring their own.

Are you only offering lane swimming, and do you offer family swimming sessions?
For the time being, we will only be running lane swimming sessions in the Jubilee Swimming Pool. We are not able to offer family swimming at this time, although this is under review. For now, we ask that all swimmers that enter the pool be confident that they are able to swim lengths consistently at their desired pace.

Will the pool still be booked out for school sessions?
Yes. We have several schools that have sessions reserved during certain weekday mornings. These sessions will be closed off from booking or you can check out our online timetable for more information.

Is the Yacht available for bare boat charters?
Yes. As per our COVID-19 Risk Assessment, no more than six people are permitted aboard the Flying Formula at any one time. We also ask than only one person go below deck at a time.

Will the rifle range be reopening?
No, sadly we are not yet able to reopen this facility.

Can I book the 3G or Hockey pitch and Wide Lane?
Yes. Please use the UoS Sport app to book these between 08:00 and 22:00 from Monday to Friday and 08:00 until 18:00 on the weekends. Please ensure you stick to the rule of 6 when using these pitches. All participants must hold a Student or External membership to participate in a casual session.

November and December Payments

Click here to find out how your monthly payment has been transferred.

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