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The University of Southampton
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Wellbeing Day 2014: Keynote session

This lunchtime event brings all strands together, from personal experience to public affirmation.


Professor Adam Wheeler, University provost, will welcome everyone and highlight some of the progress and achievements over the last year.

Sarah Wheeler

A special guest this year is Sarah Wheeler. Sarah will talk about mental well-being from her perspective as someone who has journeyed through forty years in the wilderness of a severe mental illness. This journey, though painful, has connected her with hundreds of others who have gone through mental ill-health and recovery, not least in her founding of Mental Fight Club and its new creative space for well-being called The Dragon Cafe.

Sarah will explore what she has learnt from herself and others about what mental well-being might mean for us all, with a particular consideration on the pressures of university life for students and staff alike. Expect some music, imagery and short films.

Sarah encourages dialogue with the audience!

Mindful employer

The University is a Charter signatory
Mindful Employer

We are very pleased to also welcome Sally Denley from Public Health Southampton .

As a mark of what we have already achieved in promoting support for mental health, and how we can develop in the future, both the University and SUSU will sign the Mindful Employer Charter on 4 November. Adam Wheeler and Scott McCarthy (CEO, SUSU) respectively will sign on behalf of the two organisations. Sally Denley will then countersign on behalf of Workways who administer the Charter.

There is more information about Mindful Employer including copies of their helpful booklets for managers and staff in Garden Court.

Book your place for the keynote event

To ensure a seat, book your place now.

Please ensure that you arrive in good time.

Livestream video

The event will be streamed live to the Hartley Room, so you can always catch a few minutes. Otherwise you can watch online anywhere, at any time with this link .  A photographer will also be present.

Note that this is a continuous stream as recorded on the day. Some users have experienced difficulty in loading it. We hope to have an edited version available shortly.

Dragon café

After the keynote, there'll be a pop-up Southampton version of the London-based Dragon Café, with two stress-relieving workshops. Find out more.

Photo: Oliver Lane
2013 Keynote

Mental Health Resources

National Stress Awareness Day ( NSAD ) on 5 November focuses this year on Stress: The Balancing Act.

The Mental Health Foundation's website is rich in resources, including information about how essential nutrition can be for good mental health.

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