ISLNE Researcher Passes PhD Viva
Charlie House, a researcher within the Intelligent Structures for Low Noise Environments team, has passed his PhD viva.
Charlie successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled 'Active Strategies for the Control of Acoustic Scattering' on the 28th October 2021. The external examiner was Emmanuel Friot from LMA - Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Marseille, France and the internal examiner was Prof Steve Elliott , from the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR). Charlie's PhD was supported by an iCASE PhD studentship provided by EPSRC and BAE Systems and was supervised by Dr Jordan Cheer and Prof Steve Daley who are both member of the ISVR.
During his PhD, Charlie was awarded the annual BAE Systems iCASE award for his innovative engineering approach to reduce underwater noise and protect marine wildlife. He has also published some of the results of his PhD research in a journal paper published in the Applied Acoustics . This paper presents an experimental investigation into how active structural control can be used for acoustic cloaking.