The University of Southampton

CORMSIS Seminar this Thursday 15th January – Dr Sinan Gurel

On Thursday 15 January, our CORMSIS Seminar will be presented by Dr Sinan Gurel from the Warwick Business School. Everyone is welcome – tea/coffee and biscuits will be available prior to the start of the seminar.
Title: Machine-Job Assignment and Match-up Scheduling with Controllable Processing Times
Time: 16:00 – 17:00
Location:  Room 8C, School of Mathematics
Abstract:  In this talk, we discuss scheduling and rescheduling problems with controllable job processing times. We start with the optimal allocation of a set of jobs on a set of parallel machines with given machining time capacities. Each job may have different processing times and different convex compression costs on different machines. We consider finding the optimal machine-job allocation and compression level decisions for the total cost. We propose a strengthened conic quadratic formulation for this problem. We provide theoretical and computational results that prove the quality of the proposed reformulation. We next shortly discuss match-up scheduling approach in the same scheduling environment with an initial schedule subject to a machine breakdown. We show how processing time controllability provides flexibility in rescheduling decisions.
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