The University of Southampton

Creating Our Future: A Seminar on Globalisation and Technological Change

 On 12 March 2009 the University will welcome Bill Graves, the Senior Vice–President of Academic Strategy at Sungard, one of the world’s largest technology–related businesses focused solely on higher education. He will join Dame Wendy Hall, former Head of the School of Electronics and Computer Science and a Director of the Web Science Research Initiative, for an open seminar on the topic of Globalisation and Technological Change.

This is the first of the Creating Our Future seminar series which considers key factors in the external environment we are operating in, including technological, demographic and environmental change.  

 As a seminar rather than a lecture, these smaller, interactive events are designed for the University community to share information and stimulate conversation on the topics being addressed by the External Environment strand of the Creating Our Future initiative.

 There are a number of seats still available for this seminar which starts at 5pm at Highfield Campus. To register and for further information on the speakers, please go to the Creating Our Future website, accessible from Personal Links on SUSSED.

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