On Friday 24 April‚ Research and Innovation Services will be moving to Building 37.It is hoped there will be as little disruption to services as possible‚ however it is likely that phone lines will be down between the times of 12pm Friday 24 April to Monday 27 April 9am and access to emails may be limited.
If you need to contact R&IS about ongoing or upcoming work, please do so before Friday.
If you have an urgent query on Friday afternoon, please contact R&IS on:
Email: [email protected] Ext: 22392
R&IS will be split across two rooms in Building 37:
Room 4109 (new building): main reception, Faculty Teams and SETsquared Incubation Centre.
Room 4069 (old building): Tony Raven, Director, Don Spalinger, Director, Corporate Relationships plus the Knowledge Management and Marketing teams.
R&IS was formed in 2008, and is made up of the former Centre for Enterprise and Innovation and the Research Support Office.
R&IS provides a range of services to support researchers to collaborate with businesses and other third parties. These include:
• contractual and commercial advice for collaborative research and consultancy including Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
• bid management on major funding calls
• support on student projects and placements
• management and protection of Intellectual Property and spin out and commercialisation advice.
• Business Incubation.
There are three faculty teams and each school has an identified contact within R&IS who can offer specialist advice.
For further information about our services, please visit: www.soton.ac.uk/ris
Following the move, extension numbers for all staff will remain the same.