The University of Southampton

Higher Education Academy National Teaching Fellowship Scheme – Dr Faith Hill to support applicants for 2010

The University is keen to identify and committed to supporting up to three applicants for the 2010 Higher Education Academy National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (HEA – NTFS).

We were delighted that Dr Faith Hill from the School of Medicine was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship for 2009. This was our first NTF for many years and Faith is willing to help future applicants put forward a successful case.

The individual strand of the NTFS recognises and rewards individual excellence in teaching in higher education in England and Northern Ireland. The HEA is looking for individuals who have made a major impact on learning and teaching – in Schools or Professional Services. Fifty individual awards of £10,000 are made to recognise individual excellence. The award may be used for Fellows’ personal and/or professional development in teaching and learning and aspects of pedagogy.

Applicants must be supported by their institution and each institution can support up to three applicants per year. A panel chaired by Professor Debra Humphris in early December will determine which candidates to support for submission in 2010. The panel will consider applicants nominated by Faculties and Professional Services (up to one from each Faculty and one from Professional Services).

Potential applicants should submit a provisional application (up to 4 sides of A4) to their Associate Dean (Education) or equivalent in Professional Services by 6th November. These applications should be supported by the relevant Deputy Head of School or equivalent and in the format required by the HEA. They will be judged on the HEA criteria

WORKSHOP – 13th October

A lunch-time workshop will be held for all interested staff on 13th October in the CETL training room on Level 5 of the Hartley Library between 12 and 2pm. The workshop will be run by Dr Faith Hill and Dr Anja Timm from the School of Medicine. The workshop will explain the process of applying for the award and provide guidance on the criteria and requirements. This will be an informal, interactive event, with plenty of time for questions. Lunch will be provided.

Please inform Helen Burgess [email protected] if you wish to attend the workshop.


During December and January, support for finalising applications will be offered by Faith Hill for applicants selected to go forward in the 2010 round. We are also keen to develop future applicants, who may yet not be ready but could apply successfully in following years. So don’t hesitate to put yourself forward!


13 October – Workshop for interested staff

28th October – HEA call for nominations

6th November – Individuals submit provisional applications (supported by Deputy Heads of School) to Associate Deans. (And equivalent in Professional Services.)

27th November – Nominations to University Panel

December/ January – Finalising of applications with support available from Faith Hill.

3rd February 2010 – HEA deadline

Further Information

More details about the scheme can by found on the HEA website at

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