The University of Southampton

Presentation on the Equality Act 2010, 13 October 2010, 2-4pm

The Equality Act 2010 is a major piece of legislation which will not only consolidate the existing law on discrimination‚ but introduces a number of new obligations. Many of its provisions come into force on 1 October 2010.

The Diversity Office and Legal Services are joining forces to present a briefing on the new law on Wednesday 13 October‚ from 2-4pm in the Building 34‚ Room 4007.

We will look at what the Act says and what it means for us as a University and for individual managers and staff and there will be an update on the University’s Single Equality Scheme which is in development.

This briefing may be of interest to you if:

• You manage staff

• You have previously attended one of the briefings on the legal aspects of equality and are looking for an update

• You want to know more about what the University is doing in areas of diversity and equality

To book please email or phone Claire Buchan in Corporate Services ext 29166 or [email protected]

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