The University of Southampton

Celebrating public engagement at Southampton

Find out how our staff and students are contributing to society through a wide and exciting range of public engagement activities. If you are looking for ideas‚ would like to get involved‚ are thinking about impact from research or would like to discuss how we can rise to the challenges of current HE policy – come to our public engagement day!

Monday 12 September 2011
Nightingale Bldg (67)

This University-wide event will:

– celebrate the many and diverse public engagement activities already undertaken by staff and students;

– explore how to build on this foundation for maximum impact and benefit to individuals, disciplines, the institution and the wider community;

– launch the University’s sign-up to the national Manifesto for Public Engagement;

– highlight the benefits of working in partnerhsip with the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement.

The day is open to all members of the University community including students (pgs are particularly encouraged to attend) and administrative and academic staff from all disciplines.

For full details please see the attached programme or visit the webpage at:

To book a place: Please complete the booking form on the website and return to Jo James: [email protected] by Friday 26 August 2011.

If you have any queries about the event, please contact a member of the steering group:

Jo James [email protected] Steve Dorney [email protected]

Julie Reeves [email protected] Laurie Stras [email protected]

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