Two full scholarships have been made available by the Education Section of the Chinese Embassy‚ for University of Southampton students to study in China for the Academic Year 2012/2013. The scholarships‚ which are part of the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) scheme, are for one year in the first instance but can be extended if the applicant applies for a course of longer than one year duration and meets the progression criteria for that course. The scholarships cover fees, living accommodation and an allowance for subsistence.
Applications can be in any discipline for accredited courses at Masters and PhD level or for General\Senior Scholar positions. Teaching of programmes is in Chinese and applicants who do not speak Chinese will be supported to complete 1 to 2 years of preparatory language studies. General Scholar applications can be for the study of Chinese language. The scholarships are for non-Chinese nationals only.
You can find more detailed information on the CSC website including details of eligibility requirements, allowances etc. and a list of participating Universities in China.
If you wish to apply, please email a copy of your CV along with a covering letter (500 words max), making the case for the award of a scholarship , to Mark Cranshaw, Deputy Director of the Centre for Contemporary China [email protected]. Deadline Friday 24th Feb 2012. You should specify your proposed level of study, academic discipline and preferred Universities. We will be happy to discuss the choice of University with the successful candidates.