In the event of an emergency which seriously affects the operation of the University‚ we would want to contact you as quickly as possible. In future‚ we would hope to use brief text messages to your mobile or land line to alert you to the emergency and guide you to other information. In order for this to be effective, we are encouraging each member of staff to check they have added their current mobile and/or landline phone numbers onto MyView.
Thank you for taking a few minutes to do this – we believe this will improve our ability to contact you promptly and directly in a crisis situation, particularly outside of normal working hours. This facility will only be used in an emergency on the explicit authority of the Chief Operating Officer, Provost or Registrar.
Access to MyView can be found in the list of ‘personal links’ on the SUSSED homepage or on the Human Resources webpage.
Our current crisis communications policy will be updated with information about the text facility once this has been put into place.