Experimental music collective Bang the Bore’s latest event coincides with the exhibition David Cotterell: Monsters of the Id. Coded Transmissions explores how sonic representations of concepts‚ objects‚ processes‚ locations and phenomena become altered in the act of mediation.
In the words of Bang the Bore: “The evening will include a sonic evocation of the otherworldly gestalt environments encountered in shamanic trance states (Tim Hodgkinson); a piano composition derived from the orbits of Trans-Neptunian Objects (Joe Evans); musical abstractions from data collated in x-ray crystallography experiments (Aghartha); an improvisation juxtaposing pure mathematical synthesis with found object percussion (Magical Parents); and a trio whose modus operandi includes twisting and reconfiguring field recordings and other source material in the act of live performance (Spoils and Relics)”
Coded Transmissions is part of Southampton’s Musical Alphabet, a city-wide series of concerts and workshops taking place 3rd and 4th March 2012, themed around letters of the alphabet. Southampton’s Musical Alphabet is organised in conjunction with Turner Sims, BBC Music Nation, the Cultural Olympiad and Art at the Heart. Accordingly, the first hour of Coded Transmissions (from 6pm) takes up the baton with the letter I, for Improvisation.
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