The next in the series of Marine Life Talks‚ “Living the life aquatic: a maritime archaeological odyssey”‚ will be delivered by Dr R Helen Farr‚ at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton on Thursday 5th April at 19.30.
With Titanic mania sweeping Southampton this month in memory of the 100th anniversary of its demise, Helen will provide a whirlwind tour of the development of seafaring and maritime activity from its origins in the Pleistocene, and our ancestors’ first open water crossings, to the cutting edge technology that maritime archaeologists deploy today.
The technological development and the symbolic role of the ship within society will be explored alongside the developing discipline and challenges of maritime archaeology.
Helen Farr is currently a Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow within the Centre for Maritime Archaeology at the University of Southampton. Her research interests include ancient seafaring and island colonization, prehistoric submerged landscapes and the dynamic relationship between people and their changing environment as sea-levels rose during the Holocene. Combining skills in marine archaeology, palaeoevnvironmental analysis and geoarchaeology Helen has projects in the Solent, central Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean.
Helen is on the editorial board for the Journal of Maritime Archaeology where she is also Reviews Editor, an HSE commercial diver and a keen sailor.
The Marine Life Talks are held on the first Thursday of the month at 7.30pm at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton, and are open to the public, staff and students. Please arrive at 7.15pm to be met in Reception. Arrangements for wheelchairs must be made in advance.
The National Oceanography Centre Southampton is reached via Dock Gate
4 (between Southampton’s Town Quay and Ocean Village).
Further information:
Contact: +44 (0)23 8059 6666