The University of Southampton

Curriculum Innovation Module Fair – TOMORROW (Weds) – 10am-4pm, Main Concourse, Students' Union building, Highfield

Staff and students will be able to listen to taster talks about the topics covered by these new modules, as well as find out more about how the modules will be taught and assessed.

There will be a range of activities taking place during the day:

Taster talks

Find out more about the Curriculum Innovation module subjects before you make your decision or find out how to make yourself more employable at one of the employability talks – visit for a schedule of talks

No booking required.

Face to face module information

Would you like to find out more about the modules on offer? Come and speak to the module coordinators about their modules.

The real student experience

Would you like to get first-hand knowledge about what it is like to take a Curriculum Innovation module? Come and speak to students who are taking some of the modules this semester.

CV clinics

Is your CV as good as it could be? Sit down with a top UK employer and find out.

Go to the Career Destinations website and book yourself in for a CV clinic –

Where and when:

  • Wednesday 18 April
  • 10am-4pm
  • Main Concourse, Student Union building on Highfield Campus
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