The University of Southampton

Coming of age: the 21st PopFest Conference – July 2013

PhD students from the Division of Social Statistics and Demography are organising PopFest2013 which is being hosted at the University of Southampton from the 8th to the 10th of July next year.

PopFest is an annual population studies conference for postgraduate students, organised by fellow postgraduates.

Southampton hosted the first event in 1992 and this year marks PopFest’s 21st anniversary. The 2013 conference will open with training sessions to inform and enhance delegates’ future career prospects. We will be welcoming postgraduate researchers from the UK and Europe to present their research on topics relating to population in a friendly and encouraging environment but internal PGRs are also encouraged to submit papers and take advantage of the opportunity to network with others in the field.

We will be circulating a call for papers in October but in the meantime check out our website at or to be added to our mailings list, please email

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