With the new term almost upon us, we know that you are all busy with preparations for the return of your students from last year and the arrival of new students. As you get ready for the new year, we would ask that you please remember to include information about the Curriculum Innovation (CI) modules for your students where appropriate. These new modules allow students to connect with our interdisciplinary research and personalise their learning.
In particular, we have identified that some of your returning students have not chosen any options yet. Some of them are eligible to select a CI module as one of these options, alongside the other options available to them. You may therefore receive queries about the CI modules. To support you in answering these queries, we have put together a list of frequently asked questions – http://southampton.likn.co/cip/staffcurriculum/faqs.page?
You can also direct your students to www.soton.ac.uk/cip to find out more about the CI options available to them. Here they will find module descriptions and short videos from lecturers about the topic, assessment and teaching methods.
Please note: to find out which modules still have places available, students will need to speak to their Student Office.
Thank you for your support in continuing to provide choice and flexibility to enable our students to prepare for their future. We hope that you and your students have a successful year.