The University of Southampton

IT Training & Development service launching this month

In collaboration with colleagues and users within the University community we have, over the last few months, been reviewing the remit and structure of the iSolutions Coaching & Training Service (CATS) and will be launching the new service during October under the new name of IT Training & Development, with changes to the roles and responsibilities currently in existence.

CATS, in its current format, was formed 7 years ago and has grown over the years as demand for IT training grew with ASRP and the implementation of the Corporate Applications but there has been little change in the remit of the service.

The focus of the current service has been to support staff in the use of the Corporate Applications and the Microsoft Office Suite predominantly through tutor-led training and Deskside Coaching sessions.

The aim of the new service is to help the University realise the benefits of its investments in IT by ensuring both staff and students can utilise the technology to its fullest advantage.  This will be achieved by embedding strong processes within the service and broadening the remit to incorporate the research and learning & teaching agendas, as well as administrative support, expanding on the current modes of delivery by taking advantage of a range of technical tools we possess but do not yet exploit.

Exciting times are ahead of the new service which will no longer just focus on delivering training but will incorporate new responsibilities to ensure close liaison with both the business and other learning support teams to enable us to manage IT knowledge across the University community.  We will develop IT learning programmes and will continue to offer Deskside Coaching as a chargeable service to anyone who requires it.

As we develop the new service we will be reducing the training and Deskside Coaching currently on offer and will keep you informed about the new scope and learning opportunities that will become available to you.

We will be issuing further updates in October as we launch the new service.  In the meantime we would be really interested in any feedback or ideas on how you would like the service to develop. Please contact Amanda Niblett ([email protected]) or Shellie Potter ([email protected])

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