The University of Southampton

New Quaker meetings at the University

There is now a regular Quaker Meeting for Worship in the Quiet Room at the Southampton University Chaplaincy, every Tuesday lunch-time, from 1.10pm to 1.40pm during term time.

All are welcome – even if only for part of the time. One of the three Quakers in the Chaplaincy will be leading it – Frank Boulton, Pearl John or Luke Blundell.

The Chaplaincy is at 41 University Road, Southampton, SO17 1TL (Opposite the library and down a bit…)

What to expect in a Quaker Meeting for Worship

There is no central person directing services (i.e. no preacher/priest); the experience instead will seem to be one of silent contemplation.  When people arrive they settle into the silence – others come in and do likewise, trying not to disturb those already present.  (Please turn off your mobile phone!).  After a time the silence may be broken briefly (a couple of minutes or so) if someone finds him- or herself led to speak (‘minister’); however this will not be thought-out in advance like a traditional sermon, but rather whatever the person feels led to say at the moment.  This is followed by a period of silence: after a while, others may feel led to speak too. There may, indeed, be a lot of vocal ministry during the half-hour, or there may be none.  When people are led to speak, their message will be in a spirit of respect.  It is not expected that others will comment on or argue about what has been said before: Quaker Meeting is not a debating society and once a person has spoken, they do not speak again during the Meeting.  The quality and the depth of the vocal ministry can vary from Meeting to Meeting but can be quite profound.  At the end, the person leading the Meeting will lead a general shaking of hands.

We can make time afterwards to chat about any matters arising during the Meeting.

For more information about Quaker meetings in Southampton please go to:

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