The University of Southampton

Safety and Occupational Health new central telephone number and email address

For all health and safety enquiries, please contact Safety and Occupational Health using the new central number and email address:

Telephone: 02380 59 32 77 (23277)

Safety and Occupational Health is based on the Highfield Campus but covers all the areas of the University.

They are located at 26 University Road, Highfield Campus, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ.

For all occupational health enquiries and referrals, please contact the Collaborative Occupational Health Service by:

Telephone: External – 023 8079 4156 or internal 71-4156.

This line operates a voicemail service during busy times.  Please leave a message and your call will be returned.



Occupational Health
Block 4, Mailpoint 100
Southampton General Hospital
Tremona Road, Southampton
SO16 6YD

Opening times: 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday

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