Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) is throwing open its doors to potential postgraduate taught students at our MSc Open Day in March.
This is an opportunity for interested students to come and explore the campus, see the excellent facilities that ECS has to offer and find out about our range of one year postgraduate Master of Science courses.
This year’s MSc Open Day takes place on Wednesday, 20 March, at Highfield Campus, and visitors will get the chance to hear academics talk about the variety of MSc programmes in ECS, learn about what studying an MSc involves and find out about developing a research career. Current MSc students will also be on hand to chat about their experiences and there will be opportunities to ask questions of our world-leading academics at the cutting edge of their disciplines.
The day starts at 10.30am and runs until 4.30pm and includes tours of some of ECS’s outstanding facilities including the high voltage electrical labs, computing suites, award-winning clean rooms and electronics labs, as well as a look at the accommodation available for postgraduate students.
To book a place on the ECS MSc Open Day go to www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/postgraduatetaught/openday_booking
To find out more about the postgraduate taught courses go to www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/postgraduatetaught