On Wednesday 6 March, UCU is holding an Anti-Casualisation Day of Action. This day will be a platform for publicizing the issues associated with the growing over-use of fixed-term contracts and the proliferation of poorly-paid and poorly-valued casualised positions in UK academia.
Events include:
1. 11.00 to 2pm – Information stalls at the Highfield and Avenue Campuses
2. 3pm to 5pm Building 34/3001 – Seminar : ‘Science is vital: a grassroots effort to improve the career structure of the UK academic research community’.
Dr Jenny Rohn of the Science is Vital Campaign will be our special guest speaker. She will address the issue of the increasing casualisation of the scientific workforce and how the disposable nature of UK researchers is letting down the vast majority of young people in the profession.
All staff with an interest in discussing the current state of the academic career path are encouraged to come along. The issue of casualisation affects us all: casualisation produces job insecurity, lowers productivity, and creates animosity between fixed-term and permanent staff. Join us and take action!
Click here for full details of the event