The University of Southampton

£100K worth of funding available for BBSRC grant holders present and past.

 BBSRCThe University has received £100K from BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council) Sparking Impact Award to increase, advance and accelerate impact from BBSRC investments in research.

The award will support a range of small scale and diverse knowledge exchange and commercialisation activities which can spark the generation of impact in the broadest sense of socio-economic impact (economy, society, public policy or quality of life) whether locally, regionally, nationally or internationally.

Activities that will be supported include:

•Inward or outward secondments enabling academics/PDRAs to engage with a potential user/licensee/stakeholder;

•Targeted engagement activities with non-academic stakeholders to encourage uptake of research outcomes;

•Consultancy to bring in relevant expertise for commercialisation (market intelligence, regulatory landscape, business plan development);

•Small-scale research to improve an IP position, to exemplify or broaden patent claims;

•Proof-of-Concept development work towards a commercialisation key milestone (prototype development)

BBSRC grant holders (past and current) are invited to submit an application proposing a project for this scheme. 

All projects must be completed by June 2014.  Applicants should inform their Associate Dean (Enterprise) of their intention to apply and can seek advice from their Faculty Collaboration Manager. Completed proposal forms should be submitted to Michelle Limbert ([email protected]) by 12 April 2013.  Awards up to £20K will be made in May 2013.

There is a relatively short timeline to commit and spend the fund (in this instance June 2014) however we are very keen for colleagues to make the most of this opportunity.

Further information can be requested from Michelle Limbert and to get the application form.

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