The University is set for an important and exciting time having been awarded £3.2 million of funding under the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA). The award has been received for the period of Oct 2012 – Sept 2014.
The Impact Acceleration Account is a fund awarded to deliver knowledge exchange and realise the impact of research that falls within the remit of EPSRC. The fund will be used to support:
• Knowledge Transfer Secondments – Inward and Outward between the University and industry. Open to University research staff and researchers from collaborating companies.
• Knowledge Transfer Internships between the University and industry. Open to post graduate researchers towards the end of their studies.
We would like to call upon your support in ensuring that these opportunities are seen as an important platform for us to demonstrate our strengths and expertise in a commercial setting and are used as a conduit to opening a number of new doors with our industry partners.
We are also keen to ensure that colleagues are made aware of the internship and secondment opportunities and are able to capitalise upon them.
The application process has been simplified and success rates for applications are high. Applications will be accepted throughout the year. The University welcomes the IAA as providing valuable support to its research and enterprise strategies; not only will it serve to significantly assist in supporting staff in engaging in industrial collaboration and commercialisation opportunities but will also further raise the profile of the University with industry. The Impact Acceleration Account its ready for you, are you ready for it?!
The next deadline for secondment/ internship applications to be received for review will be 22 April 2013.
Applications from faculties for knowledge transfer secondments and knowledge transfer internships are now open. Application forms and further information can be requested from Michelle Limbert IAA programme office [email protected] or accessed directly.