The University of Southampton

Tuesday 2 April – University building closure

As a result of a required telephone system upgrade, the University has decided to completely close the majority of University buildings to staff and students for 24 hours on Tuesday 2 April (1am – 11.59pm).

We have selected this date as it is a University closure date where most services, including the Libraries, will not be open.

The telephone upgrade will mean that all internal telephones will be out of service for several hours during the day.

It is expected that the following buildings will remain open:

  • Highfield Health
  • Nuffield Theatre
  • University Health Centre
  • SGH
  • Sports and Leisure facilities
  • Halls

Where access MUST be granted to a building (for example, a mandatory activity that would create risk if it was not attended to on this date), Managers will need to request this access for their staff by sending an email to [email protected] providing staff number and full name of the person/people who must enter buildings. These staff will be able to access their buildings and will receive an email with more information for use on the day.

If your faculty or school operate an Out of Hours process where buildings are closed in collaboration with Estates and Facilities, please continue to use that process as it is identical to the wider measures detailed above.

Without prior arrangements in place, the buildings will not be accessible. If access MUST be gained at short notice, the 24hr Central Control Room can be contacted on 023 8055 8477 or 023 8055 6842. These phone numbers are specifically provided for this operation only, and should not be used after Tuesday 2 April.

For further information or assistance please contact iSolutions Communications at [email protected].

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