The University of Southampton

Council approves creation of the Zepler Institute

University Council has approved the recommendation from Senate for the creation of a new institute, to be called the Zepler Institute.

Fibre opticsWe have the opportunity to create a unique, world-leading research institute that will attract substantial UK and EU funding by bringing together several of the leading University research groups in photonics, electronics, and quantum technologies. A number of synergies exist that can be exploited to the benefit of all.

Six research groups located within the newly renamed Faculty of Physical Sciences & Engineering will form the new Institute:

  • Quantum Light and Matter (QLM),
  • Nano,
  • Electronics & Electrical Engineering (EEE),
  • Photonics Systems Circuits & Sensors,
  • Fibres and Lasers, and
  • Nanophotonics.

The six groups have agreed to work together in a federal structure to exploit the synergies that exist between them, and to realise the full potential of the University clean room complex. They will also continue to operate as individual research groups in their own right.

Professor Sir David Payne has agreed to fulfil the role of Director with a term of three years. The Zepler family have kindly consented to allow the University to use the Zepler name for the Institute.

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