The University of Southampton

The flow of soul: A seminar on the sociological study of generosity in England and Wales (2001 – 2011), 2nd May

Sociology and Social Policy research seminar, in association with the Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC) presents: The flow of soul: A sociological study of generosity in England and Wales (2001 – 2011) Seminar by Professor Yaojun Li, University of Manchester.

Abstract: In this paper, I study the socio-economic-cultural effects on three areas of altruistic behaviour in England and Wales: joining, helping and giving. With regard to giving, I analyse not only the rates but also absolute and relative giving, and that for contributors and for all respondents. Using the Citizenship Surveys (2001 – 2011), we find generally high, albeit somewhat falling, rates of participation in the three respects, but amounts given to charitable causes remained constant (slightly increasing) in spite of the economic crises. We also found strong class effects in the three domains, followed by income effects, but ethno-religious effects are weak. People in higher class and income positions tend to give more in absolute terms but with the exception of own-account workers, class differences in relative giving are negligible and there is an inverse relationship between income and relative giving. The interaction between class and income shows that people in higher class but lower income positions were more generous than their well-off class peers. On the whole, the British people are generous but how to persuade the well-to-do to contribute a bit more is a challenge to the government, employers and fundraising organisations if our society as well as charitable giving could be made bigger.

Date: Thursday 2 May

Time: 12.00-1pm

Location: Murray Building (Building 58), Room 2097

Tea and coffee will be provided.

For any enquiries, please contact:  Dr David Clifford  – [email protected] or Dr Rose Lindsey – [email protected]

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