The University of Southampton

We’ve placed 9,000 calls to applicants through our calling campaign

University applicants are approaching a key deadline for decisions about which institutions to accept, either as firm or insurance choices, and which offers from institutions to decline altogether.

Our telephone conversion campaign set out to increase the rate of conversion from offered places to firm acceptances, by building the personal connection the applicant has with the University.

Anne-Marie Drummond [Academic Registrar] says: “So far we have placed calls to around 9,000 our applicants over the phone, that is equal to 80 per cent of eligible offer holders. Our callers have answered all kinds of questions – about the city, halls of residence and what it is like to be a student. We hope that, in some cases at least, this personal approach will make a difference when they come to make their choice about where they wish to study.”

To view the breadth of recruitment and conversion activities taking place university-wide, visit the recruitment and conversion calendar

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