Making a major difference to their degree from September 2013, many first year students in Humanities, Social Sciences, Geography and Education could choose to try out a Minor subject alongside their main programme. When they graduate, they can choose to have this Minor subject mentioned on their degree certificate, so they could have, for example, BA History with Criminology.
A flexible and personalised curriculum is an important part of the University’s education strategy so that our students can follow their interests and prepare for their unique future. We have already been introducing ways for them to personalise their learning, such as our Curriculum Innovation modules, and Major/Minor is a different way that they can choose to add breadth to their studies.
To gain a Minor, students will normally be required to take, and pass, five modules from a defined grouping of modules over the course of their degree (typically 1+2+2). The modules within the Minor groupings are mostly ones that already exist and will simply be taught to a wider group of students. If the student changes their mind, they can stop choosing Minor modules at any time.
Students will not need to enrol specifically to do a Minor – they will apply for their degree programme in the usual way. After they arrive in Southampton to start their course, they will be given information about the available Minors they can choose if they want to. They will still need to do their core and compulsory modules in their main subject.
The Minor option is only currently available in certain Faculties, due to the need to have space in the curriculum to take modules from one of the Minor groupings. Some programmes have other requirements that mean it is not possible to have the necessary space.
If you would like to know more, please see the staff briefing sheet and FAQs on the SAA site