The University of Southampton

Classical Iranian concert; Rumi Spiritual Odyssey

University of Southampton Persian Society Southampton Iranian Association proudly present: Classical Iranian concert by the “Light of Music”.

The University is delighted to host the “Light of Music” who will perform the Mowlana Jalaledin Mohammad Balkhi Rumi’s life journey in five different stages. Each stage is narrated in Mowlana’s own words from divan-e-shams and will be recited in both Farsi and English. Traditional Iranian instrumentalists (playing Santur, Tar, Kamancheh, Tonbak, Daf and Kouzeh) will perform the accompanying music and a vocalist will sing some of the illuminatinConcertg poetry.

Watch a short clip of the concert here at:
Date and time: Saturday 11 May – 8pm (admission from 7pm. Doors close at 7.45pm).

Venue: University of Southampton, Highfield campus, Building 32, Amphitheater 1015.

Tickets: Standard £10, University of Southampton students £4.

Please book your tickets at the SUSU main reception or online at the SUSU Box Office.

Please check the Facebook event page for more information:

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