We will be holding a one-day cultural event on Saturday 15 June consisting of a series of short talks led by experts from within Film at Southampton. This thought provoking and inspiring conference will provide you with the opportunity to learn and engage in discussion about ‘foreign’ film in Britain from academics of international distinction.
The recent critical and commercial success of The Artist, or the unprecedented success of Scandinavian TV thrillers such as Wallander, The Killing and The Bridge, reminds us of the normally rather limited opportunities afforded to non-English language film and television in the UK. British screens have long been dominated by British and American productions while ‘foreign’ films have typically been far less visible. This study day will explore the history of ‘foreign’ film in Britain and their changing status, looking at various ideas and agendas which have determined what is being shown, where and to whom.
A number of case studies will be assessed, both those which typify dominant trends for non-English language film in the UK as well as those, like The Artist, which have managed to break the mould. Places are limited, so book your place early to avoid disappointment.
Further details and booking at southampton.likn.co/lifelonglearning.