The University of Southampton

Medieval Military Seminar, Friday 14 June

Staff and students are invited to a seminar on Friday 14 June 2013, 16.00-17.00 in Lecture Theatre C, Avenue Campus presented by Bob Woosnam-Savage, Curator of the Leeds Royal Armouries.

 ‘Killed the Boar; shaved his head’: The Violent Death of King Richard III

Robert C. Woosnam-Savage, Curator of European Edged Weapons at the Royal Armouries, Leeds, gives an extended talk on the weapons and wounds that brought about the demise of Richard III.

Bob, Project Weapons Expert for the University of Leicester’s ‘Search for Richard III’ Archaeological Team, as well as part of the Search Team on the ‘Greyfriars Project’, has been studying the skeleton of Richard III since its discovery.

He was employed to help find and examine the weapons trauma on the skeleton and attempt to identify the various types of weapons that may have been used to make them. As a result, using both historical and archaeological evidence, it is only now that we can begin to create a potential sequence of events that lets us discover the possible last moments and death of Richard III  – ‘the king under the car park’.

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