You are invited to the following Geography and Environment lecture in conjunction with the Royal Geographical Society lecture: ‘Mapping the movement of humans and their diseases’ by Dr Andy Tatem.
Dr Andy Tatem, who has recently returned from the USA to take up a position as Reader in Geography, will present findings on how human travel is the common means by which diseases have always been spread – from the Black Death, through cholera and yellow fever epidemics to today’s influenza, malaria and SARS. We will hear about his recent research into the roles of air travel and shipping in spreading insect-borne diseases. Equally interesting will be his explanations about such novel techniques of research, such as monitoring the population’s use of mobile phones and night-time satellite imagery to track disease movements in low-income settings.
Date: 27 June
Time: 7pm
Venue: Lecture Theatre A, Shackleton Building (Building 44), Geography and Environment, Highfield Campus
For the location map, please refer to the link below: