The University has received an award of £100K from NERC to increase, advance and accelerate impact from NERC investments in research.
The Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) is to be used by 1 April 2014.
The award is to support a range of small-scale and diverse knowledge exchange and commercialisation activities, to deliver the following objectives:
1. To strengthen interaction between NERC-funded science and the user community, primarily businesses, to accelerate and amplify the impact of NERC science;
2. To support strategic-level, cross-project impact activities that help enable impact to be achieved in a more effective and timely manner;
3. To increase the number of high quality case studies related to the direct and/or indirect impact of NERC science.
NERC grant holders (past and current) are invited to submit a one-page application for this scheme.
Applications should include:
a. Underpinning research – details of the NERC funding that underpins the impact.
b. Opportunity/potential to generate impact – how the underpinning research has the potential to generate impact.
c. Generating impact/accelerating the impact process – activities that will be conducted to support the generation of the potential impacts and anticipated outcomes.
d. Costing and justification of resources.
NERC Impact Acceleration Account 2013 – Application Form
Completed proposal forms should be submitted to Mylène Ployaert ([email protected]) by 16:00 on Friday 27 September.
Awards up to £50K will be made in October 2013. The very short turnaround is due to the fact that the IAA has to be used before 1 April 2014.