NPRP is the flagship funding program of the Qatar National Research Foundation (QNRF). The 7th cycle has now been announced and applications for collaborative projects with Qatari Universities and non-academic organisations are now invited. NPRP will fund successful proposals ranging from US$ 20,000 up to US$ 300,000 per year, for research project periods of one to three years.
QNRF aligns its funding with the Qatar National Research Strategy and its four pillars of energy and environment, computer science and ICT, health and social sciences and the arts and humanities. A Letter of Intent, followed by a full proposal, can be submitted by applicants starting from noon, Doha time, on 17 September 2013.
Guidance for applications can be found in the ‘Request for Proposal’ (RFP), available from
Call Open: 17/09/2013
Closing date for Letter of Intent: 22/10/2013
Deadline for Full Proposal by PI: 10/12/2013
Notification of ineligible applications: February 2014
Notification of Successful Applications: May 2014
Overall Success Rate: 21.2 per cent – Qatar National Research Foundation –
For further information, please contact Mylène Ployaert, Head of Specialist Support, Research and Innovation Services, on 24680 or [email protected]