The Community Choir of Southampton formed last year. Directed by Harvey Brough, Turner Sims Professor of Music.
We are open to all, to experienced and inexperienced singers, music readers and non readers – anyone who would like to sing. It’s a friendly and fun group to belong to and went from strength to strength in its first year of existence.
The group will be taking part in a fabulous opportunity to sing with Clara Sanabras, internationally renowned singer and her band of seven outstanding musicians on a new project – Songs of Spanish Exile.
We will sing mostly in English, but with a few phrases in Spanish and Catalan – all easily learnable.
Please come to an OPEN REHEARSAL – where the project will be introduced and we will start learning some material.
If you feel inexperienced as a singer – you are very welcome to come along; it will be an informal and friendly session where I can advise on (for instance) what voice parts might be suitable.
It’s good to sing – come and try it out!
Wednesday 9 October from 1.10 pm till 1.50 pm
Turner Sims Concert Hall
Every subsequent Wednesday lunchtime 1.10 – 1.50 pm. On the last Wednesday of every month we will also rehearse from 5 – 7 pm. All in the Turner Sims Concert Hall
How much
A contribution of £5 is suggested to help cover costs of music production. Audio aids of every song, for learning parts between rehearsals will be provided without charge – these are particularly for people who don’t read music, but useful to everyone.
Any questions
Adrian Dolby – [email protected]