You are invited to a session with Tessa Harrison to explore some of the areas that those parts of Professional Services in the Registrars’ purview* will need to consider, as the work being undertaken to refresh the University Strategy matures. Professional Services is the home of many of the functions at the heart of delivering the day to day running of the University. As such, it will be a key player in ensuring we can support our aspirations for globalisation, distinction and growth.
The session will give you the chance to ask challenging questions and contribute to considering what some of the answers may be. It will also offer a chance to meet colleagues from across campuses and bring us together to talk about the University and what matters to us.
When: Wednesday 11 December, 12.30 – 13.30
Where: Building 58/1007
Refreshments will be provided and you are encouraged to bring along your own lunch to eat at the session.
*Communications and Marketing, Arts, Governance, Strategy and Planning, International Office, Library, Office of Development and Alumni Relations, Student and Academic Registration, Student Services