It’s all very well saying you’re going to exercise this January, but actually doing something about it is sometimes another matter. Let’s be honest, an evening lying in front of the TV is often much more appealing than a sweaty workout in the gym. If you’re going to go out of your way to change your lifestyle, there’s got to be a good reason for it. Sport and Wellbeing at the University of Southampton have got a sure-fire way of finding out what it is that motivates each of us to exercise, and can help you take that crucial step from just thinking about it, to actually doing it.
We have joined up with Techno gym in partnership with the University of Milan, to give you the Club 2.0 “Aspiration finder”. The Aspiration finder is a questionnaire designed to determine what it is that motivates different individuals to exercise. Whether it’s to look good, feel healthy, or improve performance, our Aspiration finder will examine your attitude to exercise. It will force you to consider what aspiration triggers your “I must exercise” thoughts. Based on the theory that aspiration is what makes you move, six core aspirations have been identified. These are balance, fun, move, power, shape, and sport. For example, a predominant ‘Shape’ aspiration identifies you as an individual who would like to manage your body weight and tone your muscles to change the shape of your body, whereas a predominant ‘Balance’ aspiration identifies you as an individual who perceives physical activity as a way to relax and recover from daily stress. The questionnaire takes only a few minutes and by the end you will have an “Aspiration Map”- this is unique to you, and reveals a relative percentage mix of the 6 core aspirations. Once you know what it is that makes you move, you can use this to change or even start your own exercise regime. Let’s face it; the gym can be a scary place if you are new to the game- with so many machines to choose from it is sometimes difficult to know where to start. Our suggested exercise regimes are tailored Aspiration types- they suggest what machines to use, how many reps to do, and even have picture guides to walk you through the exercises. Our website can also help you discover which classes would suit your aspiration type, so that you stay motivated towards your goals.
So this year, rather than generally thinking-good-exercise-thoughts such as “I must do some exercise”, you can get some specifics. Click here to find out……What makes YOU move?
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