The University of Southampton

Your Personal Academic Tutor

academic tutorOne of the most important people you will meet while you are a student at Southampton is your Personal Academic Tutor, who will be allocated to you for your arrival at the University and who is normally a member of academic staff in your own or a closely related subject area. Your Personal Academic Tutor will offer one-to-one support and advice throughout your time at the University, and will support you in your studies or with other issues you may have.

Personal Academic Tutors have a new resource to help them to give you the best possible advice and information.

Your Personal Academic Tutor will help you with academic matters – choices of options for your programme, reviewing assessment outcomes and progress over your time at the University, for instance.

You may also sometimes need to share personal issues or problems with your Personal Academic Tutor, in particular those which impact on your study. S/he will not be an expert on all areas that you need help with (you may for example have health worries, or financial problems), but may be your first point of contact for such issues, and will be able to signpost you to the Senior Tutor and/or other appropriate support available in the University and work with you to find appropriate pathways to resolve difficulties.

You can find more information on your Personal Academic Tutor here.

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