The University of Southampton

Council approves financial statements for year ended 31 July 2014

University Council has now approved the University’s financial statements for the year ended 31 July 2014. These have been published on the University website. We print a small number of paper copies, and a printed copy can be obtained from Sue Granshaw.

The University achieved a surplus for the year of £15.4 million on total turnover of £484 million (the surplus representing 3.2% of turnover).  This compares with a surplus of £5.8 million in the previous year, with the year on year improvement reflecting the significant increase in student fee income and a more modest increase in expenditure levels. Our strategic financial target is to deliver a surplus of 5% of turnover, effectively replacing HEFCE capital grants which no longer exist, enabling us to continue to invest in capital infrastructure.

The challenges for 2014/15 and beyond in a volatile environment for student recruitment are significant, however the University can continue to make good progress against its strategic goals from a position of financial strength.

Sarah Pook

Director of Finance

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