The University of Southampton

Jailbreak 2014 raises over £7000 for charity, with students reaching Cyprus

Students from the University ‘escaped’ their daily routine of lectures and coursework to spend a weekend getting as far away from the city as possible, all in the name of charity.

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Jailbreak 2014, organised by student enterprise society, Enactus, and RAG (Raise and Give) saw 71 participants divide into 31 teams to raise more than £7,000 for a range of charities.

Starting from Highfield Campus and with absolutely no money in their pockets, the winning duo – Pete Johnson and Aaron Shakides – travelled the furthest clocking 3,295km in just 36 hours to reach Cyprus.

The runners-up – BSKSP comprising Dominic Saunders, Daniel True and Joseph Loveland – made it as far as Warsaw, Poland (1,550km). Other teams reached southern regions of France and Germany, the Czech Republic and northern Scotland.  Collectively, the teams travelled a combined 18,675km.

 Victoria Akintomide, second-year law student and Enactus executive said, “It was tremendous fun…. but 36 hours with little sleep was not! I am extremely proud of the amount of the money raised and the efforts of the participants. It could not have happened without the assistance of the volunteers that helped to during the events. We plan to create an even better event next year.”

jailbreakThe money raised through Jailbreak 2014 will be shared amongst three of RAG’s charities – Solent Minds, Water Aid and Teenage Cancer Trust. Enactus Southampton will also share some of the proceeds with two of their international projects, Right Light and SanEco.

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