The University of Southampton

University joins £120 million network to develop future quantum technology

The University is part of a new £120 million national network of Quantum Technology Hubs, that will put its cutting-edge research in quantum sensors at the forefront of future technologies to drive the UK’s economy.

quantumThe new network, announced this week by  Greg Clark, Minister of State for Universities, Science and Cities, involves 17 universities and 132 companies.

Southampton scientists from Mathematical Sciences, Physics and Astronomy and the Optoelectronic Research Centre (ORC) will work across two of four Hubs, to develop quantum mechanical sensors and information processors and translate their research into prototype devices.

Southampton will receive £6.4 million, to invest in new equipment and research funding for Postdoctoral Fellows and staff time.

Professor Philip Nelson, EPSRC’s Chief Executive and former Pro Vice-Chancellor of the University, said: “These new hubs will build on our previous investments in quantum science. They will draw together scientists, engineers and technologists from across the UK who will explore how we can exploit the intriguing properties of the quantum realm. The area offers great promise, and the hubs will keep the UK at the leading edge of this exciting field.”

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