The University of Southampton

Join us: The Senior Tutor Forum launches this week

Senior Tutor Forum – Launch meeting – Wednesday 21 January, 12-1:30pm (including lunch) in the Senate room

The University aims to provide all students with a consistent student experience in the area of academic advice and guidance and to ensure the highest possible quality of pastoral and academic support for all students, whatever their discipline.

student and tutor resizedThe Senior Tutor Forum, to be chaired by Dr Sally Hayward (Faculty Senior Tutor, Social and Human Sciences), will offer members opportunities for networking and discussion which will contribute to the development of our student pastoral and academic support provision.

Membership of this Forum, which will meet three times per year, is open to those who have been invited to be Senior Tutors, to any Personal Academic Tutors with a special interest in this area and to those associated with the provision of pastoral and academic care across the University. There will also be strong representation from Enabling Services and SUSU to ensure that student needs can be effectively delivered across the whole University, whatever Academic Unit or Faculty the student belongs to.

The launch meeting this Wednesday will include lunch and will be an opportunity to meet informally and begin conversations about pastoral and academic care in the University. If you have not yet received an invitation to the launch meeting and would like to attend and/or be put on the Forum e-mail list, then please let Anne Hunt know ([email protected]).

This Forum arose from the review of the personal tutor system which took place in 2013/14 and it replaces the former Tutors and Pastoral Care Network. The review of the personal tutor system also resulted in the adoption of a new two-tier structure of Personal Academic Tutors and Senior Tutors which was introduced at the start of the current academic year.

For full details, please see the link to the Personal Academic Tutor online handbook under the Resources tab on SUSSED. There is also information for students under the ‘Personal Academic Tutor, academic guidance and learning support’, tab available via the student tab on SUSSED.

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