The University of Southampton

Southampton awarded £1m to help address global marine and maritime challenges

The Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute (SMMI) has been awarded over £1m to develop students who will help tackle global marine and maritime challenges.

The SMMI will host a new Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholarship programme, ‘Understanding Maritime Futures: Opportunities, Challenges and Threats’, which will support at least 15 PhD students.

New Centre of Excellence Campus-press release

This investment from the Leverhulme Trust will allow the students to research complex and interdisciplinary questions relating to society’s on-going relationship with the oceans.

Professor Damon Teagle, from the SMMI and leader of the Maritime Futures initiative, described the ambition of the programme:

“Our Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Scholars will address key global issues such as access to resources, safety and security, the effects of rising sea levels, technical advancements and autonomy, our responses to natural and human disasters, the impacts on people, and the ways people living by and from the sea understand their experiences and cultural heritage.”

The first cohort of students will start on the programme in Autumn 2015.

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